Friday, October 15, 2010

"Mom, where did the TV go?!"

That is what this is all about. If we unplugged or removed the TV's out of every household kids would probably go insane. Kids are so dependent on electronics. I know if I didn't have Jersey Shore I would just die! I'm kidding but you get the point. I can't even remember what is was like not to have a TV in my room and have to watch whatever my parents were watching at the time, it would kill me to have to watch the news, so I would go outside or call a friend and we would go out. Today kids all huddle around the TV not the playground. If all TV's just broke and stopped working I think kids would be more focused on school, and go outside and play and not stay inside and sit around. If there were really smart kids they would figure out how to fix the TV not just stare at it. My boyfriend has a 5 yr old sister and all she does is watch TV and the only exercise she gets is at school, by the way she drinks pop all the time and not go outside it's not going to be a healthy future. It is taking the nation by storm. The TV can be a form of exercise for kids with Wii or with Leap Frog activities for the TV but not always you need fresh air. The would be better educated because they would not be focused on TV and actually have to do their homework, and doing that and getting a job and getting good grades you become more independent because you would have a sense of the real world. I remember on Nick back when I was younger they had a get up an play day so everything on TV was just that message. It made kids go outside and play and not stare at the TV, if that happened today it would be shocking but worth it. We need to encourage kids more to go out and play or do something for someone else the feeling of doing something for someone else is better than staring at a TV.

1 comment:

  1. I was all about my cartoons when I was little. I know if I got my television taken away, I would go insane!
